Courier November 2023 ATR (Michael)
Welcome to your Annual Training Review November 2023 Michael!
Each year, all Pet Blood Bank staff are required to refresh themselves on the PBB processes that are part of their role.
Please move through the following lessons, reading any documents and completing any knowledge check questions or interactive exercises as you go.
When asked, please click on the document links in each lesson to be taken directly to the document. Once you have read the SOP click on the back arrow in the top left-hand corner to return to LearnDash. Mark each lesson as complete before moving on to the next.
As the documents are stored in our secure server you will need to use the locum login to access the documents. The login details are below:
Password: Monday@04!
Please be aware that many documents have been updated for the ATR, pay careful attention to the changes highlighted in grey.
Any issues please email
Thank You
The Training Department