Distribution Temp Training Course

Current Status
Not Enrolled
Get Started

Welcome to your Distribution Training Course. Thank you for supporting us. This course has been put together to provide the theory training to augment your practical on-site training. It is vitally important that you work to our Standard Operating Procedures and to the principles of Good Manufacturing Practice  (GMP) whilst you are with us.

If you are unsure of any of the training please do not worry and ask one of the team for help.


Work your way through the lessons as instructed by the Distribution Manager. To read a document click on the link which will take you to our secure document site. You will be asked to log in to view the document. The login details are here:


Username: pbb.locum@petbloodbankuk.org

Password: Monday@04!


Once you have read the document click on the back arrow in the top left-hand corner and this will bring you back to the Learndash lesson.

Once you have read the documents and completed any knowledge check exercises click the ‘Mark Complete’ button and move on to the next lesson.


Please note that there is a quiz after the Good Manufacturing lessons. The pass mark is 100% so please take your time and read the questions carefully. If you need any help please ask 🙂