PBB UK Media Training
At Pet Blood Bank, we are very lucky to receive a lot of media attention. When people first hear about us, they are often fascinated that such a thing exists and eagerly want to learn more. This lends itself very well to positive and engaging conversations, perfect for the media.

PBB UK Media Training
Media interviews are a wonderful opportunity for us to talk directly to an audience about Pet Blood Bank. They are a free advertisement in a prime location.
This course will teach you the golden rules of communication. It will demonstrate how to communicate clearly and simply, and it will give you the skills you need to give your best interview. The media will amplify our message but for this to work, we need to have a strong message to give.
We must use the media to our advantage and play to our agenda. We use every interview as an opportunity to put across what we want to say. This course will teach you how to do that.