Pet Blood Bank Worker Induction
A huge thank you for to you for joining our team and supporting us on sessions. The Welcome course should have provided you with lots of background about PBB UK and how we work.
The following lessons cover additional areas that we feel are important for all our team members.
Quick Note on Session Attendance
It is vital we can staff our collection sessions to be able to meet the increasing demand for blood products and we aim to staff our sessions with a minimum number of people so they run smoothly and safely for our donors, end product quality and staff alike.
This means that when we lose a team member from a session, we run the risk of having to cancel the session and we are therefore unable to collect the much needed units. It is therefore really important that when you agree to support us on sessions that you are realistic with the demands you place on yourself and do not over commit, as pulling out of a session could have a significant impact on our blood stock. We kindly ask therefore that you only schedule in sessions that you are confident that you can attend.
If you are unable to attend a session, please provide us with as much notice as you can so we can try and make alternate staffing arrangements. Please make sure that you make contact by telephone with a Pet Blood Bank staff member directly as e-mails and texts may not be seen in time.