Webinar: Primary Haemostatic Defects: IMTP and Thrombocytopenia
Speaker Biography
Mark Dunning
Head of Internal Medicine Willows Referral Service
RCVS Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine
European Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine
Clinical Associate Professor in Small Animal Internal Medicine
Mark qualified from Cambridge in 1997 and spent time in both mixed and small animal practice. He began a residency in Small animal medicine at the University of Liverpool in 2000 but interrupted this to undertake a PhD in Neuroscience at the University of Cambridge investigating the use of MRI to monitor the outcome of novel therapies for multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injury in humans. Following completion of his PhD, Mark completed a residency in Small Animal Medicine at Cambridge. Mark then spent 4 years in private specialist practice in the south of England before moving to Nottingham Vet School as Clinical Associate Professor in Small Animal Internal Medicine. Mark was responsible for running the final year medicine rotation along with lecturing to all years of the veterinary course. He was responsible for the School’s small animal intern and residency programmes in addition to supervising both undergraduate and post-graduate research students. Mark holds the European Diploma in Small Animal Internal Medicine and is an RCVS and EBVS® recognised specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine.
Mark remains actively involved in both undergraduate and post-graduate teaching via his ongoing role as Clinical Associate Professor in Small Animal internal medicine at the School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, University of Nottingham. Mark remains research active both within the school and with national and international collaborators. These projects include investigations into canine breed-related diseases, canine cancer, canine and feline haematology, canine endocrine disease, how owners and vets make clinical decisions and the development of novel non-invasive biomarkers to help diagnose both simple and complex medical diseases in both primary care and referral settings. Mark lectures both nationally and internationally and has published widely in the field of veterinary medicine.
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