Veterinary Manager (February Update)

Welcome to your February update 2025!

Every quarter, all Pet Blood Bank staff are required to have training on any SOP’s / MPDs or associated documents that have changed or been updated since the last quarter. These are only ones that are related to your role.

Please move through the following lessons, reading any documents and completing any knowledge check questions or interactive exercises as you go.

When asked, please click on the document links in each lesson to be taken directly to the document. Once you have read the SOP click on the back arrow in the top left-hand corner to return to Learn Dash. Mark each lesson as complete before moving on to the next.

Please be aware that any updates to documents are highlighted in bold on scribe.

The course must be completed by Midnight Friday 14th February 2025 and can be completed in stages as Learn Dash will automatically save your progress. The update ends with a knowledge check quiz and a pass mark of 100% is required to complete the course. You will have a total of 2 attempts to pass the quiz and remember you can refer to the documents if you need to.

Donor Admin Team – Session Coordinators (February Update)

A number of key documents have been updated since last year’s Annual Training Review.

Please work your way through the lessons and read the updated SOPS & INF documents so that you are fully aware of the latest procedures.

When asked, please click on the document links in each lesson to be taken directly to the document. Once you have read the SOP click on the back arrow in the top left-hand corner to return to Learn Dash. Mark each lesson as complete before moving on to the next.

Please be aware that any updates to documents are highlighted in bold text on Scribe.

The course must be completed by midnight Friday 14th February 2025 and can be completed in stages as Learn Dash will automatically save your progress. The update ends with a knowledge check quiz and a pass mark of 100% is required to complete the course. You will have a total of 2 attempts to pass the quiz and remember you can refer to the documents if you need to.

Any issues, please email

Thank you,

The Training Department

Collection Team (Permanent) – February Update

A number of key Collection Team documents have been updated since last year’s Annual Training Review.

Please work your way through the lessons and read the updated SOPS & INF documents so that you are fully aware of the latest procedures.

When asked, please click on the document links in each lesson to be taken directly to the document. Once you have read the SOP click on the back arrow in the top left-hand corner to return to Learn Dash. Mark each lesson as complete before moving on to the next.

Please be aware that any updates to documents are highlighted in bold text on Scribe.

The course must be completed by midnight Friday 14th February 2025 and can be completed in stages as Learn Dash will automatically save your progress. The update ends with a knowledge check quiz and a pass mark of 100% is required to complete the course. You will have a total of 2 attempts to pass the quiz and remember you can refer to the documents if you need to.

Any issues please email

Thank you,

The Training Department

Finance Officer Course (February Update)

Welcome to your February update 2025!

Every quarter, all Pet Blood Bank staff are required to have training on any SOP’s / MPDs or associated documents that have changed or been updated since the last quarter. These are only ones that are related to your role.

Please move through the following lessons, reading any documents and completing any knowledge check questions or interactive exercises as you go.

When asked, please click on the document links in each lesson to be taken directly to the document. Once you have read the SOP click on the back arrow in the top left-hand corner to return to Learn Dash. Mark each lesson as complete before moving on to the next.

Please be aware that any updates to documents are highlighted in bold on scribe.

The course must be completed by Midnight Friday 14th February 2025 and can be completed in stages as Learn Dash will automatically save your progress.

Collection Team – February Update

A number of key Collection Team documents have been updated since last year’s Annual Training Review.

Please work your way through the lessons and read the updated SOPS & INF documents so that you are fully aware of the latest procedures.

When asked, please click on the document links in each lesson to be taken directly to the document. Once you have read the SOP click on the back arrow in the top left-hand corner to return to Learn Dash. Mark each lesson as complete before moving on to the next.

Please be aware that any updates to documents are highlighted in bold text on Scribe.

The course must be completed by midnight Friday 28th February 2025 and can be completed in stages as Learn Dash will automatically save your progress. The update ends with a knowledge check quiz and a pass mark of 100% is required to complete the course. You will have a total of 2 attempts to pass the quiz and remember you can refer to the documents if you need to.

Any issues please email

Thank you,

The Training Department

Marketing Manager February Update 2025

Welcome to your February update 2025!

Every quarter, all Pet Blood Bank staff are required to have training on any SOP’s / MPDs or associated documents that have changed or been updated since the last quarter. These are only ones that are related to your role.

Please move through the following lessons, reading any documents and completing any knowledge check questions or interactive exercises as you go.

When asked, please click on the document links in each lesson to be taken directly to the document. Once you have read the SOP click on the back arrow in the top left-hand corner to return to Learn Dash. Mark each lesson as complete before moving on to the next.

Please be aware that any updates to documents are highlighted in bold text on scribe.

The course must be completed by Midnight Friday 14th February 2025 and can be completed in stages as Learn Dash will automatically save your progress. The update ends with a knowledge check quiz and a pass mark of 100% is required to complete the course. You will have a total of 2 attempts to pass the quiz and remember you can refer to the documents if you need to.

Any issues please email

Thank You

The Training Department


Controlled Document Procedure

Controlled Document Procedure

Controlled Document Procedure

Quality Statement

We are committed to excellence in everything we do, from exceptional care for donors and top-quality blood products for customers to effective processes for our team.

Our quality management system aligns with our mission, values, and regulatory standards, reflecting our focus on reliability, care, and innovation.


You have been allocated this course as you may be involved in the production or validation of our controlled documents.

Controlled document production must follow a specific process and they must be produced in the appropriate format with the correct content.

The following course will cover Management Process Description (MPD) MPD/QUA/01 & the Controlled Document Procedure SOP/QUA/07 .

The purpose of this training is to explain:

  • How our documents are identified and managed
  • How to Author a Controlled Document
  • How to Validate a Controlled Document
  • The Approval process
  • How to Review a Controlled Document

This training must be undertaken by anyone who is asked to produce or validate a controlled document.



Equality & Diversity Retake

Controlled Document Procedure for Line Managers

Controlled Document Procedure

Quality Statement

We are committed to excellence in everything we do, from exceptional care for donors and top-quality blood products for customers to effective processes for our team.

Our quality management system aligns with our mission, values, and regulatory standards, reflecting our focus on reliability, care, and innovation.


Your role as a Line Manager means you are involved in the production of our controlled documents. Controlled document production must follow a specific process and they must be produced in the appropriate format with the correct content.

The following course will cover Management Process Description (MPD) MPD/QUA/01 & the Controlled Document Procedure SOP/QUA/07 .

The purpose of this training is to explain:

  • How our documents are identified and managed
  • How to Author a Controlled Document
  • How to Validate a Controlled Document
  • The Approval process
  • How to Review a Controlled Document

Please note that the author/validator training must be undertaken by any of your team that you ask to produce/validate a controlled document.

Don’t forget to notify the Training Department when you wish this training to be allocated to a staff member. Make sure you allow them time to complete it beforehand.


Donor Assistant ATR 2024 – Retake

Clinical Director Refresher

Welcome back Wendy!

Clinical Director Refresher

Quite a few controlled documents have been recently updated.

The purpose of this course is to highlight those documents which have undergone changes. The only ones not included are those where only the job titles were changed.

Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) 2024

What is GMP?

Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) is a system designed to ensure that products like food, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals are consistently manufactured to meet quality standards. At Pet Blood Bank, we adhere to GMP to safeguard the welfare and safety of both our donors and recipients. This ensures that the blood we collect and the products we provide are safe. As part of our NFABBA license for pet blood banking, GMP is a core practice implemented throughout Pet Blood Bank. 


Why is GMP important?

Completion of this course is a statutory requirement to work within Pet Blood Bank UK in all and every role regardless if it is an administrative or clinical role.

Statutory requirement “A requirement written into a law passed by a legislative body”

There are ten golden rules of GMP 

  1. Having appropriate facilities 
  2. Having validated processes 
  3. Writing and following good Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) 
  4. Identifying who does what 
  5. Keeping good records 
  6. Training and developing staff 
  7. Practicing good hygiene 
  8. Maintaining facilities and equipment 
  9. Building quality into everything we do 
  10. Performing regular audits 

These Ten Rules have been combined to make the following topics 

  • Cleanliness and Tidiness 
  • Errors and mistakes 
  • Good Documentation Practice 
  • Confidentiality

By adhering to these guidelines, we ensure that the blood—and the blood products we collect—are consistently collected and processed in a controlled manner to save lives. Quality is everyone’s responsibility within our organization. While individuals may have different roles in maintaining the quality structure and framework, every team member is accountable for complying with GMP. 


Donor Assistant Knowledge Check Retake

Here is your Donor Assistant Knowledge Check Retake Quiz.

You’ve now had a chance to discuss the quiz with your Regional Coordinator and go through the answer(s).

If you require any further help from the Training Department then please get in touch at

You’ve now got a further two attempts to pass.

Good luck!

Equality and Diversity

Equality and Diversity in the workplace 




By the end of this Lesson, you will:

  • Understand how the Equality Act 2010 protects from discrimination, harassment and victimisation.
  • Recognise these nine protected characteristics and understand how to promote the equality, diversity and inclusion of them.
  • Understand what is meant by discrimination, harassment, victimisation and bullying, how to avoid them and how to report these behaviours.
  • Recognise where personal changes to behaviour can be made in order to ensure everyone feels valued and included.
  • Understand that equality, diversity and inclusion are essential values to uphold both in and outside of the workplace.
  • Understand the responsibilities of all employees, employers, managers and HR teams in regards to ensuring equality and diversity in work practices and procedures.

Phlebotomist Course (Non permanent) ATR 24

Welcome to your Annual Training Review November 2024!


Every year, all Pet Blood Bank staff are required to refresh themselves on the principles of  GMP and on the PBB processes that are part of their role.

Please move through the following lessons, reading any documents and completing any knowledge check questions or interactive exercises as you go.

When asked, please click on the document links in each lesson to be taken directly to the document. Once you have read the SOP click on the back arrow in the top left-hand corner to return to Learn Dash. Mark each lesson as complete before moving on to the next.

As the documents are stored in our secure server you will need to use the locum login to access the documents. The login details are below:



Password: Monday@04!


Please be aware that many documents have been updated for the ATR, pay careful attention to the changes highlighted in grey/Bold on scribe.


The course must be completed by Midnight Friday 29th November 2024 and can be completed in stages as LearnDash will automatically save your progress. The ATR ends with a knowledge check quiz and a pass mark of 100% is required to complete the course. You will have a total of 2 attempts to pass the quiz and remember you can refer to the documents if you need to.


Providing you complete the ATR before the deadline you will be able to submit a time log for a maximum of 2 hours for completion of this training.


Any issues please email


Thank You

The Training Department

Donor Assistant (Non-permanent) ATR 2024

Welcome to your Annual Training Review 2024!

Each year, all Pet Blood Bank staff are required to refresh themselves on the principles of Good Manufacturing Practice and on the Pet Blood Bank processes that form part of their role.

Please move through the following lessons, reading any documents and completing any knowledge check questions or interactive exercises as you go.

When asked, please click on the document links in each lesson to be taken directly to the document. Once you have read the SOP click on the back arrow in the top left-hand corner to return to LearnDash. Mark each lesson as complete before moving on to the next.

As some of the documents are stored in our secure server you will need to use the locum login to access the documents. The login details are below:



Password: Monday@04!


Please be aware that many documents have been updated for the ATR, pay careful attention to the changes highlighted in bold type.


The course must be completed by midnight on Friday 29th November 2024 and can be completed in stages as LearnDash will automatically save your progress. The ATR ends with a knowledge check quiz and a pass mark of 100% is required to complete the course. You will have a total of 2 attempts to pass the quiz and remember you can refer to the documents if you need to.


Providing you complete the ATR before the deadline you will be able to submit a time log for a maximum of 2 hours for completion of this training.


Any issues please email


Thank You

The Training Department


ATR Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)

What is GMP?

Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) is a system designed to ensure that products like food, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals are consistently manufactured to meet quality standards. At Pet Blood Bank, we adhere to GMP to safeguard the welfare and safety of both our donors and recipients. This ensures that the blood we collect and the products we provide are safe. As part of our NFABBA license for pet blood banking, GMP is a core practice implemented throughout Pet Blood Bank. 


Why is GMP important?

Completion of this course is a statutory requirement to work within Pet Blood Bank UK in all and every role regardless if it is an administrative or clinical role.

Statutory requirement “A requirement written into a law passed by a legislative body”

There are ten golden rules of GMP 

  1. Having appropriate facilities 
  2. Having validated processes 
  3. Writing and following good Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) 
  4. Identifying who does what 
  5. Keeping good records 
  6. Training and developing staff 
  7. Practicing good hygiene 
  8. Maintaining facilities and equipment 
  9. Building quality into everything we do 
  10. Performing regular audits 

These Ten Rules have been combined to make the following topics 

  • Cleanliness and Tidiness 
  • Errors and mistakes 
  • Good Documentation Practice 
  • Confidentiality

By adhering to these guidelines, we ensure that the blood—and the blood products we collect—are consistently collected and processed in a controlled manner to save lives. Quality is everyone’s responsibility within our organization. While individuals may have different roles in maintaining the quality structure and framework, every team member is accountable for complying with GMP. 


Good Manufacturing Practice (Return to Work)

What is GMP?

It is the application of Good Manufacturing Practice principles into our working environment and although you may not see us as a manufacturer we do manufacturer blood products starting with the selection and communication with our donors, through collection and processing and ending with the distribution of our products to our veterinary practice customers.

Why is GMP important?

Completion of this course is a statutory requirement to work within Pet Blood Bank UK in all and every role regardless if it is an administrative or clinical role.

Statutory requirement “A requirement written into a law passed by a legislative body”

GMP is important to assure the quality of the processes we follow when we collect, process, store and distribute our blood product to make sure it is safe and protects the well-being of the patient to whom it will eventually be given*

There are FIVE GMP topics we must always consider when working within Pet Blood Bank UK. These are:

• Cleanliness
• Tidiness
• Documentation
• Dealing with errors
• Confidentiality (Data Protection)

Donor Coordinator Retake

You now have a further two attempts to pass the final quiz.

Please read the questions carefully as some may require more than one answer to be selected.

Good luck!


Donor Coordinator Course

Welcome to your Donor Coordinator Training Course. Thank you for supporting us. This course has been put together to provide the theory training to augment your practical on-site training. It is vitally important that you work to our Standard Operating Procedures and to the principles of Good Manufacturing Practice  (GMP) whilst working in your role.

If you are unsure of any of the training please do not worry and ask one of the team for help.

Work your way through the lessons as instructed by the Donor Admin Manager. To read a document click on the link which will take you to our secure document site.

Once you have read the document click on the back arrow in the top left-hand corner and this will bring you back to the Learndash lesson.

Once you have read the documents and completed any knowledge check exercises click the ‘Mark Complete’ button and move on to the next lesson. The training ends with a quiz which requires 100% pass mark. You have 2 attempts at the quiz but if you don’t pass please contact for assistance.