Line Manager Training Course

The term “line manager” relates to individuals who have members of staff or teams directly reporting to them and who have responsibility for them to a higher level of management.

Examples of typical responsibilities a line manager may carry out include:


  • Day-to-day people management
  • Organisation of work allocation and rotas
  • Monitoring work processes
  • Checking quality
  • Dealing with customers/clients
  • Measuring operational performance
  • Recruitment and selection
  • On-going performance management and undertaking performance appraisals.

This course is designed to cover all the processes and tasks which are required by the Line Managers at Pet Blood Bank. Along with providing some helpful tips and tools in Line Managing.

Please select each lesson below to take you through the course. There will be a mini quiz at the end of each lesson which requires 100% to allow you to move onto the next lesson.

Hope you enjoy it and if there is anything else that you feel would be useful to be covered in this course please email